Community Living Policy Center Gets Continued Funding & New Home
![Logo of the Community Living Policy Center: The Center's name in green and blue text on a black background, which forms a thought bubble in the shape of a house.](/sites/
The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research has awarded an additional five years of funding to continue the work of the Community Living Policy Center. The CLPC home base will be moving to Brandeis University, to be housed under the auspices of the Lurie Institute for Disability Policy, part of the Heller School for Social Policy and Management. Partners include the University of California San Francisco, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Autism Self Advocacy Network, Disability Policy Consortium, Association of University Centers on Disabilities, National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities, Topeka Independent Living Resource Center, and Centene Corporation. An announcement of the new funding is available here.
Newly funded research projects include:
- a study of the impact of person-centered planning on health and community living outcomes,
- an evaluation of independent living and recovery-focused practices in managed long-term services and supports,
- compilation and analysis of state practices in implementing the Home and Community-Based Services Settings Rule,
- research on housing for people transitioning out of institutions and at risk of institutionalization,
- analyses of unmet need for long-term services and its impact on community living outcomes,
- data analysis projects driven by urgent policy developments, and
- policy development and analysis projects responsive to a changing policy environment.
Last modified Oct 22, 2018