About the Community Living Policy Center
The Community Living Policy Center (CLPC) is a Rehabilitation Research and Training Center funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research and the Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Grant #90RT5026). Housed at the Institute for Health & Aging of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), our Center aims to identify methods of improving the long-term services and support (LTSS) system in the states, improve data collection on community living policy, and develop a strategic plan for community living research.
CLPC researchers and policy experts (see the contact page for a complete list) are affiliated with UCSF and the following partner organizations:
PHI (formerly the Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute)
We conduct research in the following areas:
Identification of promising practices in state LTSS systems.
Investigation of quality and outcome measurement in LTSS and development of methods for improved monitoring of progress in state LTSS systems.
Collecting and disseminating information on state LTSS policies, practices, and programs. These include
Policies related to access to home- and community-based services (HCBS)
Data on HCBS participants and expenditures
Information on worker registries and consumer-worker matching services
Data on worker wages and benefits
Information on worker training standards and their development
Conducting evaluations of managed LTSS systems in California and Illinois.
Quantitative research on selected topics in community living, including:
Trends in family caregiving
State variation in community participation among people with disabilities
Developing a strategic plan for community living research.
CLPC training activities include the College of Personal Assistance and Caregiving (CPAC), an online training curriculum for both paid home care workers and family caregivers, with an emphasis on person-centered, consumer-directed services that support independent living in the home and community.
Last modified Jun 22, 2016