Purpose: To understand the impact of experience and contacts with care coordinators on Medicaid Managed Care (MMC) enrollees with disabilities. Method: Primary data was collected from a random sample of 6000 out of the 100,000 people with disabilities enrolled in one state’s mandatory MMC program. Surveys were conducted through the mail, telephone, and Internet; 1041 surveys were completed. The sample used for analysis included 442 MMC enrollees who received care coordination.
Reports & Publications

This report is part of an evaluation of Cal MediConnect, California's demonstration project to integrate care for people covered under both Medicare and Medicaid. The evaluation is being conducted by the Community Living Policy Center at UCSF and the Health Research for Action Center at UC Berkeley, and is funded by The SCAN Foundation and NIDILRR. This report presents findings from a survey of Cal MediConnect beneficiaries and comparison samples conducted over the telephone in early 2016. With respect to long-term services and supports, LTSS-using beneficiaries in Cal MediConnect report

Researchers at the University of California worked with a stakeholder advisory group to design an evaluation of Cal MediConnect (CMC), California’s dual financial alignment demonstration. It was decided that the evaluation should include qualitative interviews with stakeholders engaged in CMC to determine how the program has impacted the health system and how the system and stakeholders have responded to CMC.

Objective: We examined the health care utilization patterns of Medicare and Medicaid enrollees (MMEs) before and after initiating long-term care in the community or after admission to a nursing facility (NF).
Method: We used administrative data to compare hospitalizations, emergency department (ED) visits, and post-acute care use of MMEs receiving long-term care in California in 2006-2007.

Background: Many states are transitioning fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid into Medicaid Managed Care (MMC) for people with disabilities. Objective: This study examined managed care's impact on health services appraisal (HSA) and unmet medical needs of individuals with disabilities receiving Medicaid. Key questions included 1) Do participant demographics and enrollment in MMC impact unmet medical needs and HSA? 2) Within MMC, do demographics and continuity of care relate to unmet medical needs? 3) Within MMC, do demographics, unmet medical needs and continuity of care relate to HSA?